Sunday, July 14, 2013

23 Goals for My 23rd Year

Each year for my birthday I make as many goals for as many years old I will be so this year was 23. It definitely becomes a challenge trying to come up with so many goals to accomplish in one year but has been fun so far!!

1. Attend Beachbody Coach Summit
-It looked like soooo much fun this last year so I would love, love, love to go. You learn so much and meet so many people that it is something I definitely don't want to miss!!

2. Meet my coach
-My Beachbody coach introduced me to this amazing company and I would love to meet her. She has been a great guide and inspiration, motivating me to keep pushing on and dream big.

3. Reach my goal weight
-I have struggled with my weight for quite a few years now and I would love it if I finally hit my goal weight and maintained it.

4. Marry my best friend
-Will be done in a little over 2 months!! Getting married September 21!!

5. Get a full time job
-This one is unexpectedly already done!! I got a full time job at Girls Scouts and worked my first week last week!!

6. Find our own place
- My fiance and I rent a house right now and we are way way WAY past having roommates so we would really like to find a house to buy. This one will be challenging only because we both want a house in the country that isn't a run down shack like the ones currently for sale.

7. Coach at least 50 people
- My fiance and I are both Beachbody coaches and I would love it if together we were able to coach and help 50 people with their health and fitness goals.

8. Expand Kringstad Kitchen
- I started a small sweets shop that I am hoping to get going a little bit more!!

9. Run/walk 1,000 miles.
- Pretty easy to understand. Over the next year I hope to run/walk/jog 1,000 miles weather it be on a treadmill or outside!

10. Run in my 1st 5k
- Not a runner at all!! This will definitely be a challenge for me

11. No more credit card debt
- I don't use them anymore and I haven't for awhile but I am still trying to pay off my adventures as an 18 year old!

12. Learn a balance between partying and staying on track with my health/fitness goals
- Currently when I drink, I DRINK. I drink waaaaay too much and then indulge in too many drunken snacks. After that I'm out for the count for at least a day trying to recover!! I would love it if I could learn to limit the alcohol and say no to the snacks so the next day I can still function like a normal human.

13. Volunteer at least 3 times a month
- I have really been slacking on my volunteer work lately so I need to get my butt back out there. My favorite place to volunteer is the Humane Society so I can play with all the cute puppies!!

14. Make stronger friendships with my REAL friends.
- People have been letting me down a lot lately and it is really showing me who my true friends are. I need to stop wasting time with the people who aren't true friends and focus on those who are.

15. Be a TurboFire grad
- Complete and finish the entire TurboFire progam

16. Be a Hip Hop Abs grad
- Complete and finish the entire Hip Hop Abs progam

17. Be a Focus T25 grad
- Complete and finish the entire Focus T25 program

18. Read at least one leisure book every two months
- I love reading but haven't really been making time for it in the last few years so I would love it if I could at least read one every other month

19. Read at least one personal development book a month
- Personal development is so very important. I would love to read at least one book a month to help develop myself into a better person

20. Go on a real date with my fiance once a month
- We get to go food a lot and go to a movie in sweat pants. I want to be able to get dressed up and go to a restaurant and movie like a real date every month.

21. Take time for myself
- With working, being a fulltime student, planning a wedding, Kringstad Kitchen, and beachbody I don't take a lot of time for myself. It definitely has an effect and makes me a lot more stressed. I need to take time for myself so I can chill out and relax

22. Be happy!!

23. Have fun!!

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